November 6, 2016 - Essex Skypark Pumpkin Chunkin Contest

Essex Skypark has its annual big wings and wheels fly-in in September.  A big part of that is for the local community to come check out their Skypark.  It's a good time but the regulars are so busy running the fly-in they don't get much time to enjoy it.  So there is an informal event in November for just the regulars, friends and friends of friends.  The featured event is the Pumpkin Chunkin contest!  Here, tThe crowd anxiously awaits the start of the pumpkin drop contest!
The target is that white barrell.  Two scorers (including moi) were on the ground equipped with tape measure and handheld radio.
We lucked out with the weather this late in the season.  Conditions were perfect.
Some action photos.   Most planes had a passenger making the drop.  Brian flying the Citabria.
Chip flying his 172.  His son would go on to win the coveted pumpkin chunkin championship.
The scoreboard.
Group picture afterwards. A good time was had by all.
Bruce took me up for a ride in his Kolb Mark Three.
The man and his flying machine.
The foliage around Essex Skypark is the best around.
Mandy F. does a lot of work at the Skypark social events and for the pilot's association that manages the Skypark.  But she hasn't flown much, and never in an RV.  So I took her up for a ride, along with Bruce in the RV-3.  We had a great time and I think she enjoyed it!
A couple of friendly Essex Skypark regulars: Eric and Whitey.
More Skypark regulars:  Max, Ron & Tom.
Chuck flew this big Czech Republic crop duster in.
Looks like a dive bomber making a run.